CEF program: new Calls for Proposals open till February 2015

Redazione 28/10/14

In the framework of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program, the 2014 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals have been launched.

Il presente articolo è stato inserito nel primo numero della nuova newsletter europea NEU, strumento per rimanere aggiornati sulle principali novità e i bandi aperti dalle istituzioni europee. (ndr)


The CEF program constitutes a key instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through investments on essential infrastructures at European level, between 2014 and 2020. The facility is aimed at supporting the development of efficient and sustainable trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services.

The first Calls under the CEF area of transport, published on 11th September, are directed at projects addressing main bottlenecks on nine multimodal corridors as well as major cross-border links. A total budget of €11.93 billion is being made available to reach the targeted priorities.

The 2014 Multi-Annual and Annual Work Programmes specify the priorities and the maximum available budget to be allocated for each Funding Objective. Proposals shall be submitted by one or more Member States or, with the agreement of the Member States concerned, by international organisations, joint undertakings, or public/private undertakings or bodies established in Member States.

The deadline for submissions is 26 February 2015. More information can be found at http://inea.ec.europa.eu/en/cef/cef_transport/cef_transport.htm.


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